Danmarks billigste isoleringsmaskiner - Isoleringsmaskinen

Sales and service: (+45) 31 36 62 86

Welcome to Isoleringsmaskinen

Your reliable Danish manufacturer of insulation machines made for professionals in all industries.

The smallest machine in the IsoPro series, but is extremely robust and suitable for the professional contractor and installer, with smaller insulation tasks, as well as as a rental machine.

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Made for the busy craftsman. The machine is transportable with large wheels. It is user-friendly and efficient. The market's most powerful 230 volt machine (13 amps) with one fan.

€ 6.686,-
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For the professional craftsman. ISOPRO1 2800 can use all types of granules. The machine uses 230 Volts (2 x 13 amperes) and has a large capacity with a wide material drawer.

€ 9.365,-
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For the professional contractor. The machine has been developed with a large airlock, 3 augers which tear and move the granulate at high speed. Among the market's most effective.

€ 17.400,-
Additional VAT may apply

Robust vacuum cleaner on wheels that makes it easy to remove the old insulation. With its light construction, the VAC is particularly suitable for transport in your car or on a trailer. 

€ 4.690,-
Additional VAT may apply

Good service is the key to success

"We know what it means to you, when your machine is idle."

That is why good and fast service is something we prioritize very highly at Isoleringsmaskinen A/S. 

We handle most situations over the phone, as the challenge is usually a power failure or other issues, that can be quickly resolved.

In the event of a definite breakdown, we can arrange for your insulation machine to be picked up, examined and repaired by appointment.

We always have a large stock of spare parts, for all our machine types.

Call us by phone (+45) 31 36 62 86, if you need your machine serviced.

Some of the world's most efficient insulation machines, are from Denmark

The basis of good business, is the best equipment at the best prices.

Our insulation machines are Danish craftsmanship ALL the way around. Insulation machines from isolingsmaskinen.dk are produced in Denmark.

All parts are supplied by local partners. It provides understanding for each other, for deadlines and for the shared desire for high quality and Danish standards. This is your security for a reliable machine.

With an ISOPRO1 insulation machine, you quickly and efficiently, blow the insulation granulate into all corners and thus, ensure the optimal insulation performance for the customer.

Isoleringsmaskinen A/S develop and produce some of the most efficient insulation machines on the market. We also supply everything in accessories, such as hoses, connectors, reductions, and nozzles, which enable cavity wall insulation, with the least possible intervention in the buildings structure.

Isolation machines from Isoleringsmaskinen A/S are always designed based on the following objectives:

Highest possible operating time, to ensure the best yield

The fewest possible vulnerable parts and thus fewer repairs

Greatest possible flexibility; in terms of materials and insulation tasks

Optimal ergonomics and ease of use for you as the craftsman

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Når du bruger vores isoleringsmaskine, har du garantien i et dansk produceret produkt, med dele lavet af danske smede. Vi tilbyder alle former for service og reservedele, du har altså kort afstand til at få serviceret den maskine du har købt og er ikke afhængig af dele fra f.eks. USA.

Vores maskiner virker til alle typer isoleringsmateriale bortset fra skum.

Når du køber en isoleringsmaskine, får du en let guide med i købet. Vi tilbyder også undervisning i brug af maskinen og sikkerhed, skriv endelig til os i forbindelse med købet, hvis du vil have en gennemgang af betjening af maskinen.

Ja, vi tilbyder både telefonsupport til at løse problemer, når de opstår på stedet eller kan servicere maskinerne i vores lagerhal, hvor vi også har et stort udvalg af reservedele liggende klar til defekter.

Leveringstider afhænger af travlhed i perioden, men ofte er maskiner klar til afhentning inden for 24 timer. Kontakt os på telefon for at høre nærmere eller bestil maskinen på vores hjemmeside.

Ja, vi går op i høj service og åbenhed omkring vores produkter, du er derfor velkommen til at komme forbi og prøve en maskine eller få en demonstration og gennemgang af maskinen. Vi rådgiver også gerne om hvilken type maskine du har brug for.

Maskinerne er klar til brug og behøver kun en tilstrækkelig strømforsyning. De fleste af vores maskiner er nemme at transportere og har hjul, til nemt at flytte dem rundt, så du kan komme let i gang med opgaven og pakke hurtigt sammen igen.

Ja, vi har finansieringsaftaler og leasing af vores maskiner, så din virksomhed kan nå at tjene maskinen ind på relativt kort tid, nogle gange ned til 4-5 opgaver og betale maskinen af over tid.

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